
How Do you Reset a Bushnell Rangefinder?

Would you like to know how far to swing to get on the green if you’re new to golf? Bushnell golf rangefinder scopes can be very useful if you are looking for an easy way to measure distances on each of your golf swings and you want to make use of an accurate tool.

Bushnell has been a leader in laser technology. Bushnell rangefinders last about 650 yards and come with a CR2 lithium battery having a long backup duration. Knowing the correct distance allows you to the club selection and your swing. It’s all about confidence, and that’s all you get from a Bushnell rangefinder.

You might be uncertain how to use Bushnell, or you might be worried about how to reset it. However, don’t get worried; we have got you covered. Now, let’s learn all about how it works and how to reset it.


How Bushnel Rangefinder works?

Bushnell is a brand of rangefinders that is widely regarded as the best in the business when it comes to golfing technology.

Bushnell rangefinders are the industry standard – and well-known for their remarkable accuracy in the range of laser rangefinders on the market – and are used by professional players to better their game.

Bushnell is always a great pick if you want quality, dependability, and practicality. Using a Bushnell is not so complicated. There is a top button on the very top of the rangefinder, and also there is a button for changing the mode below the rangefinder.

Bushnell rangefinders have a lens that can be adjusted to adjust the rangefinder’s clarity, which will assist you in changing the clarity of the rangefinder.

A Bushnell rangefinder has also slope included, which is not a common thing used by golfers. A Bushnell rangefinder is accurate within one yard, helping you to find the correct range distance of the hole in the golf field.

Bushnell rangefinders are considered as the most critical laser rangefinders in golf because, in terms of accuracy, reliability and ruggedness, all are included in this beast rangefinder, making it one of the best picks for golfers.


What is the best way to reactivate or reset my Bushnell Rangefinder?

The Bushnell rangefinder is equipped with a display button on the back of the device. It is very easy to reset it entirely by simply clicking on the button below and clearing all readings. Once you’ve done that, follow these steps:

  • When you wish to activate or deactivate the Fire button, you must press and hold it for a few seconds.
  • Keep pressing the POWER/FIRE button for a few seconds, and the unit will begin to rotate through its four modes.
  • If the desired mode has been selected in the eyepiece display, you should immediately press and release the POWER/FIRE button as soon as it appears on display.
  • This would result in the wrong mode selection, and the calibration won’t work correctly. In the case of an incorrect mode selection, the system would not work correctly.



It seems clear now that Bushnell has almost covered everything on how you can reset it. Now that we have the basic information about Bushnell, it seems easy to choose it to use on a golf course.

Bushnell Laser Golf Rangefinders are helpful to everybody, but golfers have many different perspectives regarding who requires rangefinders. There have been countless courses worldwide that have used Bushnell’s technology, which is a very user-friendly tool.

The Bushnell Golf brand is an excellent choice for anyone, from individuals who are new to golf and looking to invest in their sport to those who are seasoned veterans and are looking to improve their equipment.

About the author

David Frew